(taken from the book of Alfredo Cattabiani "Florario - myths, legends and symbols of plants and flowers". It is a book to buy read consult ! )
A Greek myth told that Hymenaeus, the son of Magnet and talented musician, had died suddenly while he was singing at the wedding of Dionysus and Altea.
To perpetuate his memory it was decided to call upon him on the occasion of weddings and intitolargli the song in honor of the bride and groom: the song of Hymenaeus.
It was depicted with a torch and a flute and a crown of flowers of marjoram, as evidenced by, among others, Catullus:
You from your mount Helicon
lead airuomo the kidnapped virgin,
surround the temples of the flowers
of sweet marjoram, fragrant,
and took the port-wine stain come
here happy with candido foot
in the sandalwood color of pink.
Even the bride was adorned with the flowers of this little plant, closely related to the feminine world, with the cascade of leaves similar to a long hair.
Despite this link with the world of women the hero of the marjoram was in a Greek legend of a man, Amaraco, an officer of the house of Cinira, the king of Cyprus, who were given the task to preserve the aromas.
One day he broke accidentally broke a vase filled with a precious essence, and, such was his displeasure, that she is dead; but the gods, touched by so much delicacy of mind, the change in the name of the plant odorifera.
In late Latin it was called also mazurana, from which the Italian "marjoram", a name that so justified the impression of the Mattioli: "In Tuscany is called the sansuco (maiorana) Lost; to be maybe by the first of us was brought from Persia: but in every other place Maiorana. Is the Maiorana so grateful to the women for the joy of the smell of it, that very few shall be found of them that have not been planted and cultivated with all possible diligence, or in the gardens, or in the lodges or in windows in vessels of earth, or truly in wooden boxes, so easily can she have acquired below us the name of maiorana to use greater care in cultivating it, that what you want other plant. And that not only for the reason that above was said, that is why she is fragrant, but because of the time verdeggia".
It is an aromatic plant, used in cooking but also in medicine as a tonic and stomachic, stimulant, anticatarrale, antispasmodic, and slightly narcotic.
Its infusion it is good against pains in hysterical women.
A time to heal the sore ears applied on the tip leaves of marjoram grown in an earthenware vessel, why is that grown in the free soil was considered to be ineffective.
In Sicily, if you applied the essential oil on the bruises: it is a light oil with a light yellow, very fragrant, which contains terpenes, camphor, borneol, and other substances, and is used also in perfumery and in the manufacture of soaps.
For these properties, and for other listed by the various naturalists - from Dioscorides to Pliny, from the Pseudo-Apuleius to, During, blending effortlessly quality real and fantastic - inspired the symbol of Goodness and Comfort, the latter is adopted in the vocabulary
a nineteenth-century flowers also symbolizes the rural Pleasures.
It is argued, in the wake of the De rerum natura of Lucretius ("the pig flee, the marjoram and the theme"), that the pigs are derived from marjoram, aborrendone the nose almost as if it were a unbearable stench.
For this reason, the medieval from the proliferation of fantasy symbolic and allegorical argued that the plant taught him not to wonder in the face of those who felt pleasure, for things unclean, and they have reached maturity and do not tolerate all those pure and honest, almost like you are nauseating.
Its roots, which remain on the surface and can then be plucked easily, have evoked the emblem of the Man of contemplation
which, rooted to the earth, only for that little that is necessary, is aimed mainly at the sky.
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